Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

It can help me in like doing my projects and stuff.Also it can help me by like doing a powerpoint for my job.It can also help me by like if i am doing like a new product or something i could do the powerpoint.Or like if i am  an architect i can help me in doing like buildings and stuff and all the information would go in there.Also in college they are goig to want for you to do powerpoints.And that is how  powerpoints might help you:)(:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I could see my self using a computer by like being a secretary or something. Or like helping my mom or someone . Or helping my dum sister. Or just usin a computer for study:)(:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Learning about computer parts can help me  when my computer is broken. Or if it has a virus. Or like if a friend needs help and does not know where the computer parts are  and needs help i can help. Or like when  the computer manual does not say anything about a particular part i could remember and use it.You can make money by fixing computers . And be very smart:)(: